Atari Jumps Back Into The Console Ring With Ataribox

You heard it right! While there is another Atari plug-n-play system called “Atari Flashback 8 Gold” (due out on September 8th), Atari are re-entering the console gaming race with a whole new platform.

Details about the new Atari system are so far scarce, but it will have the classic wood-grain design, but with the Cell-Processing Unit of today’s PCs. The company’s own CEO Fred Chesnais confirmed all this in an interview with GamesBeat, adding that Atari is “back in hardware business.”

Fred also stated that there will be more information later this year. All I can say about this is either an incredible achievement for the company that kickstarted video games, or a horrible idea, considering where Atari is financially and by general reputation.

I’m one who likes to hope for the best on the gaming industry, so if Atari can knock their new console out of the park and give gamers a new good Alone In The Dark, Astroids or new IP in the mix, then I’m all for it. If this a knock-off of the Xbox One or another Ouya, then they are screwed.

I’d hate for the worst, because I grew up with both video games in general and even some of Atari classics, despite the systems being before my time.

We will just have to wait and see, but I’m rooting for a positive! Atari are the pioneers of video game consoles, both for the good and the bad, so I’d like a brand new hit from Atari that can keep up with the competition.

Meanwhile, you can sign up for the official Ataribox newsletter on its website: 

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